Black Youth | Who is responsible?

Elliott Reid
25 min readMar 18, 2021


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I’ll ask you a question which I asked myself not long ago when presented with the problems many black youth face; if you want to get your house tidy, do you tidy the house or do you first stop allowing people to tread dirt through your home?

I ask this because for any community you have the internal and external stressors of that community. For example, for the black community, internal stressors may be:

This means more black people in prison, less with an education and less earning power. Every single one of these factors doesn’t just slow the rate in which black people can climb the socio-economic ladder. It may in fact mean that we fall further and further behind. This is partly due to wealth compounding, ie wealth has the potential to grow faster and faster.

This is what gives exponential curves on a graph that gets steeper and steeper as time progresses. We can see this with the British economy.

The issue is that if you aren’t able to keep up, you’ll be left behind. This may be partly why the black community, despite being one of the first immigrant groups to the UK in modern history, is still one of the bottom 3 earning ethnic groups in Britain and the US, too.

These are problems we have to address, and do address, every day. Every black person I met growing up was told “you have to work twice as hard to get just as far”.

However let’s look at external barriers to our progression

“teachers “increased the severity of suggested disciplinary actions when the race of the teachers didn’t match that of the child.”

Teacher Bias, Elephant in the Room

So we can see here how our community is experiencing disadvantage which is probably predisposed from a combination of what is within and outside of our control. So what do we focus on first? Myself and K from 1 Step Away From discuss barriers to our youth progressing.

I have pasted the transcription below

Transcription and Podcast

Hello and welcome to the #ASKELLpodcast. My name’s Eddie Reed. I’m the founder of the revitalize connect, where we’ve helped. Over 6,500 people become pain-free mentally and physically fit. And I’m also the founder of black, where I’m using comic books and also a plug and play curriculum to educate the wider population, as well as the black diaspora of our history.

I have the pleasure today of speaking to K from one step, a route, a move from or one step away from, and Kay is his speciality is understanding how those. Vulnerable individuals are always one step away from let’s call it undesirable decisions around historical undesirable events. Is that right? Okay.

Indeed. Indeed. Thank you very much, Mr. Reid for having me on here. Um, indeed I am. I am K from one step away from, uh, the phrase that we’d like to use is that we’ll be one step away from. Negative, um, sorry, one step away from positive outcomes and several steps away from negative outcomes. Um, and it’s looking to connect the different elements that actually ties us up as people, particularly on our podcast, as black men within the UK and how it impacts us in order to keep ourselves moving forward in a, in a positive way and what, um, skills and what knowledge base that we need and the link that we need to build up right.

As a nation. So we can all move forward and be more. So w we can actually survive within this country, um, because the elements that are currently out there, I guess, us, um, from a black male perspective of course, is that we’re actually being, uh, reduced in terms of our survivability. What’d you what’d you mean by that?

Okay. So, so, so far the tool to be able to survive, um, just like any animal in, uh, the know environment, um, it’s about you living, put it to put it bluntly, um, If we look at the different stats and the different elements and ways how we are treated as black people within this country. Um, just from not only from my history, but in this current standpoint, no, every single aspect points to two Wars, you are going to be less likely to survive than your other counterparts.

Your ever counterparts be in different cultures, different race, different nations. Now we come at the bottom rung of most of the negative outcomes. When we can talk about education, we can talk about accommodation. We can talk about prison. We can talk about mental health. Wherever we seem to dip into is where we seem to hit at the end, at the bottom end at a negative aspect of them lions.

Now, what we’re trying to do is one step away from it is to bring that towards the forefront and let young young black men or black men period or black people, period. Who come from their diaspora who come from the Caribbean. I know, I know. Oh, I’m so understand that, understand where we are, because if you increase your knowledge of understanding of where you are, you then are able to make informed choices.

You’re able to understand that you will, in our environment, isn’t necessarily as it is because of your choices. And you don’t want to be part of someone else’s game. You need to turn that game back on his head. And as we say, build your own table because clearly we’re not actually welcome to be on other people’s table.

If sewed and things would have changed or I’m ready, things haven’t changed. So therefore instead of begging someone to try and join their table to have, have a seat on, on their also chair, To eat. I finished filling their bellies. We want to build our own tables so we can make our own food and build up our own people and build up our own culture and our own nation.

So, one, one point I wanted to ask you about that case that he seems. So when I look at the Y the w the different variants of ethnic minorities that I’ve come to this country with different sources of immigration for this country, it seems that we from the West African or the Caribbean diaspora population, uh, or heritage seem to face quite a unique collection of disadvantages in comparison to other ethnic minorities, which.

Seems to me to mean that we, as you’ve said, have been received differently in Britain, in comparison to other ethnic minorities. Would you agree? And if so, why do you think that is? Wait? Uh, you’re drawing me out already. Yeah. Calm, calm, calm, calm, calm. Um, Now, if we look at a different aspect, I think I mentioned it.

Um, podcost as well. Um, if we look at a different aspects, as you say, people who came into this country, different cultures, reground, religion, and groups of people. Um, if we just mentioned such as like the Asian public, uh, population, whether it’s Muslim or Sikhs or Chinese, if you mentioned the most recent, we told them about the Eastern Europeans with the Russian and all their Monday.

They are able to move in as a group. And they are not only moving in as a group, they build as a group. You understand what I’m saying? And when they build as, as a group, guess what they are building in a country that isn’t Dez, but they are still successfully building. Now you have to ask why is that?

Because ignorance that proud country brother. Yeah. They, they, they will not have people succeed in India country if they don’t want them to, we are living proof. Yeah. Now the only aspect I have to come to a conclusion with. Cause we’ve had a lot of time here as black people. We’ve had a lot of time here.

Yeah. And part of that blame is internal. It is internal. Yeah. I’m part of that. Blame is extern. For some reason, when it comes down to us building, it’s not as easily accepted as someone else building. Now my mindset is this. Now we can talk about it. This might be coming off the background of a Ram Ram Ram religion, of course, rumblings and ties people.

But we’ve been, we’ve had a Roman Legion, Chrissy, we’ve got Christianity, most of the Caribbean ordinance Christian, yet you can, you can argue that it was given to us. And that’s another probably I’m not a podcast there, but we’ve had a faith too. So that argument doesn’t wash with me. What washes with me is, is this the same country that we are in is the same country that caused us to be in the state that we’re in.

We will interacted with by this country, by other countries in the world as a source of revenue, as a product, as a workforce, that’s all that interaction ever was with us. It’s just unfortunate. And I’ve always said this, you didn’t keep the receipt. Did you? So you can’t send us back. You can’t get your money back.

And now you have to deal with, with the, with the, uh, effects of your crimes, because it is a crime. You are charged England and USA and Spain and France and all that Monday who took part in taking on nation into a force of workforce without doing any crimes. Yeah. You’re charged with a crime, one of the, one of the, if not most heinous crimes and you stand guilty.

But you don’t want it, but you didn’t really believe in justice. You don’t, you, you talk about justice, but you don’t. So what I’m hearing is that there’s a balance between taking responsibility for our current state and your percent, but then as well as that realizing that the environment that we’re in maybe disadvantages to us.

So it seems that what you’re talking about is building a sense of building a sense of self and building the ability to produce. To then overcome the environment. Is that right? 100%. And it all starts with, with it all starts with knowledge, knowledge of knowing who you are, knowledge of knowing way, way up from, and the knowledge of knowing where you are.

Yeah. Aspects need needed to be drilled into our headman. And tell me with the, the, the black youth that you worked with and the black adults as well. How have you found a knowledge of self manifested? So on the frontline. How does that benefit people, boy, um, benefit. Now, now that’s the aspect now that I am still not sure about to, to, to this day.

Um, I think I’ll be for, for ever learning that. And I think I will come to a conclusion is that being on the frontline for a national organization or for an avid nation is not beneficial for us, but is necessary for us at this stage necessarily how we have to earn a living. We have to keep a roof over our head.

We have to get qualification, edit, and education from their educational facilities. We have to be accommodated through mainly through other nations because we don’t see, we don’t see any seem to be predominantly homeowners that rent out a accommodation. We don’t seem to own the superstores and a supermarket.

We, we were where we buy food. We have to send our kids to, to dare schools, et cetera, et cetera. Yeah. So we have to still work within that. But with the goal of eventually we need to build our own table. So is it beneficial for us? I would say to our aspect in order to be a stepping stone so we can step out and we can build by ourselves.

If the information I know there’s things I know is that at the same level of education, black people are paid about 17 and a half percent less. And if we possibly were in education, we’re about two and a half times more likely to be excluded for the same behavior. And we’re likely to be graded. A lesser grade for the same level of work.

So in this environment, um, with these disadvantages, do you think it’s possible for us to actually work our way out of our situation or do something or do something systemic? We have to change. Um, see my mindset now here is that I’m done working twice as hard to get the same result as my counterparts.

And does it work. Does it work? You will always be seen, like, I’ve got to watch my tongue here, man. Cause all I ask is every single, every single black person I know from a very young age has been told you need to work twice as hard to get just as far. Yeah man. And that’s that slavery right there, man.

Like, that’s that slavery right there. You’re not working hard enough. You’re w I’m watching my tongue. He said, don’t worry. Your, your just one lazy, such and such. Yeah. Self-talk or that tool that’s passed from say fava to sound or what to do with her is more someone projecting a negative stereotype that they have of themselves onto their children, or is it recognizing the disadvantage in the environment that we experience?

Right. I think it’s a mixture. Um, I don’t believe it’s a negative stereotype that the parents are portraying onto the children. I believe that it’s the parents realizing I know how hard I struggled to live in this country in it. I know how hard my, my, my parents or your grandparents, your great grandparents have struggled just to get a loaf of bread.

I don’t want you to struggle as hard as me to get a loaf of bread. If you’re going to struggle young man, young girl, you’re going to, because this is what it is. It’s unfortunately seems to be our curse. Yeah. But when you struggle, instead of one loaf of bread, you’re going to get a loaf of bread, a butter and a cup of tea.

On the sun on it. You understand what I’m saying? I understand what you’re saying. My, my difficulty, once again, it comes back to the question of, does it work? Because if we’ve FFP single, I mean, there’s, what’s the, what’s the phrase. You’ve got more jobs than the Jamaican. There’s where you were to. We used to work in hard, right?

Or we’ve been working hard since we got here. So. Why I’m an, I had this conversation with my dad the other day, because my dad was on a, on a, on a podcast, the Steve Lawrence, um, I think it’s Steve Bowman’s day. Oh yeah. Cause, cause my dad was a detective in the, in the met and then tried and he successfully put the case forward or created the case to have the killers of Stephen Lawrence put in prison, but being mine.

But yes, that is absolutely fantastic achievement. But his, what he said was, I think he said, I don’t see the world the same way that you do. And he was talking to a group of, of young people, uh, most of them black. And I put the reason why he said that is he said that I think things are better now than they were.

And I agree. I think things are better than they were, but the issue is that things are better for most people than they were growing up in say the seventies. Well the sixties, but it was very different to growing up today. So everyone has been moved forward. Most people have central heating. Most people couldn’t afford to eat.

But what I’m saying here is is that if that’s the case, everyone’s moved forward, you haven’t regained much. It’s just that people’s aspirations have changed. So for us, say, for example, for our generation, Yes with Paula slightly to be chased by the national front, but everyone is, everyone’s less likely to be changed by the national front.

Mr. Ray. Well, I’ll ask you this then based on what you’ve said and based on what you said, cause I personally believe, um, because you said you, you mentioned that, uh, you believe that the, um, the current state is for us in this country is better than it is than it previously. Yeah. So I think England is the master of covert racism.

I think they had a Mo they’ve mastered it to a T I think America hasn’t mastered it. That’s the day I’m still over. So I don’t think things have got better per se. I think things are just different. Right. So what do you think? So I’d agree. And, uh, that covertness that covert and its nature or British racism.

It has, it’s definitely, at least been highlighted in the past couple of weeks. For example, we make a marker. When and how are you Windsor into anyway? The African-Americans who I’ve spoken to are req are realizing how covert racism is here. And, um, I would say that it goes back to the same conversation I had with my, my dad.

So my dad would probably associate harm physical harm or extreme let’s smoke some physical harm or extreme disadvantage with what he might’ve encountered growing up. However, what I would see, I would say now the huge economic disadvantage that we have inherited, and we will unfortunately continue to experience as black people is more than enough to put us further and further behind for multiple generations.

So I was with one of my colleagues, for example, the other day. And, um, we showed her a calculation. Of one person owning, say a unit of one and the other person, uh, earning a unit of one, but the individual, the second individual I showed her. What happened if that individuals. Uh, was there an insight 17% more?

And that happened every year for the next 30 years. How would that look and because of compounding? So for example, if you’re able to buy a property that property will increase by 10% every year, which means that it doesn’t double in value every 10 years doubles in value every 10, every seven years, because everything increases by 10%, including the interest that you’ve accrued.

Each year. And, um, why I showed it to her is that if there’s a 17% discrepancy in one person’s ability to, um, versus the other person, then at the end of that, the lower earning individual would have multiplied their wealth by a compound of 34. And the other individual would have compounded their will by a multiplication of about 545.

So that, that, yep. Yep. Disadvantaged when it comes to, first of all, being able to access the tools, which we need to be socially upwardly, mobile education, investing in home, et cetera, uh, being, not going to prison, all of these things, if they are significantly disadvantaged in one group, the other group that that group has stands, no chance of catching up.

That’s why. Yeah. That’s why it’s so evil. When, when people, when people, people say just work hard, you’re not working hard enough. Or push or pull yourself up by your bootstraps, that age old saying that’s, that’s so evil, man, because you’re not taking into consideration the complexities of having a disadvantaged stock and just to simplify it because just in case people, cause you’re a very complex guy and you are a very logical guy and you think on a higher level Britta, but to simplify it, we are asked to run a hundred meters sprint against every other nation, but we have to start at 150 meters.

Yeah, but we expect you to get under 10 seconds still. Yeah, that’s what you’re saying. Yeah. 100%. 100%. And um, no, that that’s exactly. And I feel when you, when you call it evil, I thought that was perfect because the discrimination. That we face in the UK is like a Duffy. It’s like something that is not tangible.

It can’t be touched. It can’t be grabbed, but it’s there. And everyone knows that it’s there every single person in the black community or a few people nobody’s there, but when they speak up about it and they try and speak to the larger community about it, the larger community acts as though they’re talking about goddess, I can’t see it.

What’d you mean there’s nothing there, what you’re talking about. Yeah. And then, and then your gas light. So shouldn’t stop, man. Don’t stop me from that hole. You got a chip chip on your shoulder situation yet? My, my saying has always been well, who put it there. Blood. Tell me about a chip on my shoulder and what I’m feeling.

I start, am allowed to feel I’m allowed to express, Oh wait. Cause when I do I’m aggressive because you’re just, you understand? No, I’m just feeling pain because I’m a human. And because I’m intelligent, I’m able to see where my pain is coming from. And when I am able to see where that pain is coming from, and I realize I’m in an Institute where I can’t do nothing about that.

And then now I have to be sitting in my thirties. Understanding that have lived through a life of I’m paying I’m going to live through fruit for a more. And yet I’m not allowed to say nothing because when I do I’m aggressive. That’s that? That is oppression, man. So let’s explore this then. So spoken about how this manifested.

So in say the child, when it comes to say, we could say that they’ve experienced more disadvantage than the, their colleagues or their peers. And they’re told to kind of suck it up and get on with it from your experience, how does that manifest into the psyche of the adult? How, how does, how does an adult now deal with that?

Right. So I’m going to speak about my experience working in the youth field. Yeah. Um, Um, my, my multitude of different experiences in different fields specifically on it speak about right now about a, uh, black youth project, uh, that, uh, I actually managed to run it and actually managed with some excellent youth workers.

Uh, and we’ve got the, got the funding through to police crime commissioner. Now the purpose of that project, because if you don’t know listeners, then you should know, we don’t necessarily have good relations with police. Historically present and probably in the future. Yeah. Um, so that project was predominantly aimed at improving the relationship between the local police and the local young people, particularly ethnic minority back backgrounds, black, Caribbean.

Yeah. We managed to easily get the group of young people who are interested. These young people have been involved with being stopped and I’m sir, these young people have been put in sales overnight. Um, none of them have been convicted for any crime. And I have to say that because that’s the legal term of being stopped and search off.

Being a rested have been strip searched down to my bear. What my birthday suit, Debbie go, I’ll keep it at 100. I’ll be stripped and searched down to my birthday suit free. Simply walking home from one of my friends after watching the NBA finals. But how dare I do that with a rucksack at night? So therefore I must be from London and I must be shortened all sorts, apparently.

So, Oh brother, I, I wouldn’t say how, how I feel against please. I don’t have any additional care for them. Um, but so this youth project now, so we managed to get a group of young people, black male, um, minority ethnics to work with a group of police officers over a period of six months. Now the end result was that there was supposed to be increased regulation.

So to please complete their community better, they can know their people because you’re supposed to be able to know your local area if you’re managing that as a police officer. But unfortunately they like to get peace officers out of the area to manage those who work within that area. Particularly within social, um, higher areas of higher social housing, et cetera, et cetera.

Or we can just call it ghettos. So now these young people now, us, us as youth workers, you’ve project managers, leaders are trying to then be in a mediators. So we’ve got police on one side, we got young people and we had a mediators try and build this relationship to build bridges. As I said, here’s what young people experienced when they were wants to question police as to why they get stopped.

When they have a question please, as to what they deal with them rough. When that question in place as to why they speak to them in a certain manner, which gets them emotional, which then causes them to create a problem for police to actually deal with now, because there was no problem at first, but because of the manner that they were spoke to or dealt with, they became upset.

But in, in depth, You’re aggressive. Um, and what, and what happened was this the police officers present who were one was, uh, Asian, um, from, he was from, uh, India, I believe. Um, and one was, um, was a white guy. Um, and the explanations were this. They had stereotypes per crime. They are. I remember the saying, if it’s Russian, it’d probably be linked to alcohol.

Like the crime where they see them will probably be linked to alcohol. If it’s black, it be linked to him. Drugs. If it’s white, it’d be linked to finance. He what I’m saying, Mr. Reed, like young people, these are children and you are actually putting into their mind. Why we, why we S why we stop you? Cause we believe based on your race alone.

If you’re black, it must be linked to drugs. And the issue is, was that built building bridges? No. How, how is that going to instill confidence in young people, but this is what they are debriefed with before they hit into their police cars, before they patrol the streets, they are debriefed with. If you see a certain group of people or a certain person from a certain culture, it’s likely they could be doing that crime.

And I think one of the issues that I take from that is. The self fulfilling prophecy, because we know that stereotypes fall, they outlive their let’s call it statistical reality, or they outlive the myth that was told to put them in there in the first place. So for example, we still see. Myths today that come from the transatlantic slave trade that still feel the stereotype of the black person.

And, um, one thing that I take from what you mentioned is that if those stereotypes are still being used, they’re essentially throwing a big net into the black community to patch drug dealers and to catch. Um, are there any, any other stereotypically black related climb prime that you might think of and by doing so that big, and that is going to catch more people from the black community than any other community merely because you’re throwing a bigger net into that community.

100, that’d be. So my, one of my friends is a barrister and she mentions constantly. How black people are overrepresented when it comes to criminal behavior in the news, because it sells more news because it still, if it feels this expectation that a lot of people have of how black people are and how they act and how they do criminality.

So we get this self fulfilling prophecy. So my question to you is where’s the solution to that. Well, you hit on a big one and I almost, I have to touch back on something that you said before I answer that question there. Um, you said it sells more news. Now we can’t overlook this man. We can’t overlook the look that it’s a business for us to be on the bottom, wrong in society.

It’s a business. Understand that? Yeah. Most of these instances, most of these institutes that get funding. To over incarcerate or police us, or to give us extra support, to help in education. They are all funded by initiatives. We are feeding someone’s pocket by being how we are. And that’s the Nazi thing. I am bounded because we don’t get the outcomes from it.

Yeah. So I just want to make that clear that you mentioned that the situation that we’re in, where I’m in can be likened to our business. Now, when you understand that. It should drive you even more so to fix something, not only yourself, but your people too, because I’m not in the business of helping someone else’s business, whose business is to run my business.

And would your, would the solution that you propose go back to building, but, uh, we have to build our table. Let me and you sitting right here now. Yeah. We’re building from. Yeah. We’re, we’re, we’re, we’re putting two minds on one place and it’s going to be recorded and put out there for the people forever.

Yeah. And I’m hoping if it sparks at one mind with it, plants a seed in one person to say, you, you know what, what these guys are talking about? Oh, 4:00 AM. four. I am about this. Y’all know. And let me reach out, you know what? Let, let, let, let me, let me talk to some of my friends and my family, then. Yeah. And then we built a bigger, we bought a wider network, a wider Kumon community.

We’ve gone into that now our community doesn’t have to be the people who we see when we walk out. Yes. And then what your ever your resources, I can link in with my resources and it can make a further resource that the next month or the next woman can jump on and it goes so on and so forth. That’s how the other people do it, you know?

Absolutely. So once, uh, once again, why can’t we. 100. We, we are a people. Yeah. I honestly believe this and it’s not being tried and tested. So it’s more of a opinion. I don’t believe there’s any, have a group of people who can go through what we went through. I still live.

I honestly do. I honestly do not. I’d say, I’d say evidently. And the reason I say evidently is yeah, I suppose the people who have been closest to experiencing what those who’ve experienced, who were descended from slaves before the closest group of people to us would probably be the native Americans and the aboriginals.

And I, the reason there’s one reason why I don’t. Bring up the Holocaust. Um, the Jew, the Jewish Holocaust, is that what I think separates what say happened to the Jews, to what happened to the Africans? We should take them from West Africa is that the Jews kept the Torah and they kept their Jewishness.

They kept their belief. They kept their, I suppose, well, what made them them, but when it comes to us, A lot was purposely taken away. And it’s the same thing for the aboriginals and the native Americans. They lost their land and they there’s multiple times where they’ve been brainwashed certificate, their history and their partner.

I know that they’re in a very, very dire way at the moment. They’re very, very tight away. And I fully, I agree with that statement there of what you say too. Um, I’m not gonna speak too tough about a certain arm subject that you mentioned. Um, because I got very, uh, raw, uh, opinions on, uh, a certain sub subject.

And I know that we have a canceled, um, um, culture, uh, that is prevalent. So, and I end up into to even do that. Cause that’s not building with you. Yeah, I understand. So, um, all I can say is for those that actually want to do some research, um, you might want to check what, um, uh, a certain person called Gummo I believe Abdel Nasser NASA said, um, and he was a president in Egypt in 1956.

That’s all I’m going to say about that. Um, so. To carry on from what you said, um, about certain people, um, who suffered and then had to live through it as well. Um, the native Americans, heinous crime, heinous crime, the Aborigines, a heinous crime. What’s the pattern here Mr. Reed was, or the passing would be.

Uh, there’s so much to it, but I would say in terms of who’s doing it. Yeah, of course. Listen, Western Europe has, has a lot to answer for. There’s no doubt about that. Um, but the pattern that I was thinking outside of the, the, those who are responsible for the genocide or the enslavement or the land grabbing.

There is a lot of the time it’s divided, it’s divided role. A lot of the time it is playing on the selfishness of the native population installed in puppet, dictators, manipulation, the use of arms that are unavailable to the native population, whether that’s guns. Um, obviously you’ve got disease as well, the boy smallpox.

So, I mean, just to give it some perspective, Um, West West Africa and North Africa, and even Southern Europe was incredibly hygienic at the time of the 15 hundreds onwards. Um, part of that was due to the influence of Islam. Part of that was due to the influences of the, um, the previous religions and existing culture around those areas.

But as a result, you know, the Western Europeans, they, they killed a lot of may even inhabitants purely because. Of the diseases that they brought. Yup. Yup. And that’s the thing. Uh, once again, if we go back to stereotypes, what’s always put on the TV. When it comes to people who are in Africa, flyers on their first flyers, on her, on their face, swollen stomachs, starving kids, crying and screaming and blah, blah, blah.

That’s the picture? Why? Cause it’s the narrative. And that naturally builds into we are on work. Peop people of dark skin are unworthy people. Yeah. That’s, that’s the whole narrative and we need help because we clearly can’t help ourselves. And that same narrative is played out in all forms of society that we go into.

And we’re never going to be respected. Like you don’t respect someone who begs you for something. You, you, you respect someone who goes and builds their own team and come back with, with you. And now you can talk on equal. Yeah, look, there’s more people walk past homeless people every single day, but when they’re back and forth for, for food and our money, they don’t even respect them.

In fact, they see them as under them. You’re lonely. You’re a drug user. You are alcoholic that they don’t think about that story or nothing like that. I’m talking in general. Of course. Yeah. People don’t respect beggars. You are going to respect your landlord. Yeah. You’re going to respect your lecturer.

You’re going to respect the police when they come knocking on your door. Absolutely. Yeah. So we have to build a self respect internally. And that’s about the internal thing that I’m talking to her about two to two. Now we’ve got a walk and carry ourselves as Kings and Queens drink. Don’t give yourself the title before you do the damn work.

100%. Yeah. There’s too many people out there who call themselves Kings and Queens. And this, that, all that stuff. What are you ruling from? What are you and I’m and charge of if you’re just calling yourself a King because you’re in charge of yourself. Well, if everyone’s a kingdom, no, one’s a King. A hundred percent.

Okay, thank you so much for your time today. Is there anything that we would like to mention before we, before we finish not a tour, I want to speak to the people them and say, look, build web with us, man. Um, there’s one aspect in terms of talking, talking is one aspect. The implementation of that talking is the next one, man.

That’s what I can say. Absolutely. Okay. Thank you so much for your time today. If anyone wants to see the great work of Kate, then just check them out on Instagram at one underscore step underscore step, sorry, underscore away underscore from or one S on Instagram, and you can also find their podcast on Spotify.

Thank you so much for your time today. Kay. And I look forward to catching up with you in future. No problem. Big man.



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